Thursday, March 17, 2016

Busy with other things...

Ok, been a long time since I shared a new piece of jewelry, so here goes...

"Something Blue" - Sterling & Fine Silver, textured & pierced,
with a Dumortierite stone in a backless bezel that goes through.

This is a sister to a previously shown piece named Felicity, and I'm working on other similar pieces.

What else have I been doing?  Glad you asked!! (yep, I know, talking to myself again)

Well, I've been filling in a couple special requests (just like stuff you've already seen) & doing some repairs (not my work) for friends...

I've also been doing work on my displays, since I'm trying to step things up a notch... gotta have good "booth shots" for applying to Art Fairs.

Then - this is how I've done some smaller shows, where a single-table display is used in a more low-key/casual environment.  I may still use this setup when space is tight - depends on the show, I'm flexible that way.

Space Setup- Small Table-Top

Now - on the other end of the spectrum is a major upgrade to class things up.  I've been working very hard to come up with classy but portable (by myself) display stuff... I think this is it (it's at least close).

Display Setup - for 8x8 to 10x10 booth
Ok... you can't see it in the picture, but I've got to get my labels updated.... not all, but about 30 of them...

Oh, and then I've been filling out show applications, applying for out-of-state seller's permits, getting ready for taxes, etc... Yep, all the yucky non-blingy stuff I've got to do to be legit... busy, busy, busy...

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