Thursday, February 14, 2013

A little something something...

I've really enjoyed my time in my metalworking class (see Playgrounds tab), and I've learned so much, but I really need to spend time working on my own and getting better at what I already know… so…  I was having my last day as a "regular" at Kirk's studio yesterday, and as such wanted to try doing a couple things I hadn't done before… one of which was to create a textured surface using a Rolling Mill - and I had a lot of fun doing that (don't know why I never tried it before)!!

I ended up with lots of little copper bits with fun textures, and I started making things out of them willy-nilly… and ended up with two fun & funky rings…

This one's curly-q ends up setting like a stone would set on top of the finger…

I used a hand-saw to cut out this little heart… this piece is fun & comfortable to wear & just plain makes me smile!!

Here's a photo I snapped with my phone of me wearing it (oops, a bit out of focus)…

That's all for now, I have more textured copper lying around that I'll probably make earrings or a necklace out of eventually… :)

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